Sunday, October 14, 2012

The First of Many

Hello world of bloggers out there. This is my first time ever to start a blog! I hope that it works out and I end up actually using it. I was kinda hoping I could make this anonymous so that I could write all my deep dark secrets here and not be judged by the people that I currently am acquainted with. So I will have to figure out if that is possible... If not then I guess I will just have to risk what others may think of me. I hate saying that because I know that I really should not care what others think of me, but the truth is, I do very much. I am pretty insecure, I will admit it. I like to be liked, I mean who doesn't! Well I am just going to have to get over it and be myself and hope that the people that really matter in my life will love me even more for who I am.